The Southwest Mail from Nevada, Missouri (2024)

THE SOUTHWEST MAIL. FRIDAY JULY 24 1914 00900000C360000dC9C9COC3COCdCOOOC9C3COC9COC3C3C3 XXXX2XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXf i rXXX xxxxx xxxxx XXXXX 2 2 3 2 ELLlS ECHOES. Correspondence Southwest Mail. BIG BUNDLES For Little Money at Our Summer Sale 8 8 8 BIG VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. NOW 8 Just When You Need Them Most-o We Give These Great Bargains.

2 See the Hats at 50c, 95c and $1.95. 0 Summer Dresses for 50c, 95c and $2.95. This week we offer wonderful values at 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c each. Buy a years supply. The values are exceptional.

dty to see her sister, Mrs Thomas who is still very low, with very little hopes of her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. S.

Levaugh and little son, drove down to Iantha Sunday in a car to visit with his brother, Hadly Levaugh. Mr. aGd Mrs. Harry Smith were guests Sunday at the home of W. W.

Jones and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glisna Bare spent Sunday at the home of his parents, J. Bare and wife near Sheldon.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hatfield left Tuesday to spend several days down on their farm near Bellamy.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Messick accompanied by Mr.

and Mrs. C. V. Gose left Monday for Eldorado Springs in their car. Miss Minnie McKay and Mrs.

Edna Wilson were shopping in Nevada Saturday. Mrs. S. S. Stone made a business trip to Nevada Tuesday accompanied by a son and daughter.

Mrs. Anna. S. Austen of Plesan-ton, Kas but who has been visiting relatives in Kansas City, arrived Tuesday accompanied by Miss Hazel McDowell, who met Mrs. Austen in Nevada After a short visit here with her neice, Mrs.

Robert Earl, they will drive over to Moundville, where Mrs. Austen will spent some time visiting with her sister, Mrs. McDowell. Orron Davis and J. W.

Bright from Montevallo stopped in Milo with their families, en route to Germania, Iowa, their new home. Elmer Sims has returned home after several weeks spent in the Kansas wheat fields. Mrs. Carrie Goodwin of Carthage, will arrive the latter part of the week for a short visit with her aunt, Mrs. M.

H. Laflen. Mrs. Myrtle Conhite and daughter Melba who are visiting with relatives and friends here will spend the next two weeks visitirg her brother Geo McGoveys near Marvin Chapel and with relatives in Nevada. Mr.

tit* worth of Sheldon, the assessor was in our little burg today appraising the wealth of the community. 8 8 8 8 8 ty. Miss Hazel Peck has returns! to her home at Fresno, California, after a visit with Misses Aim and Ethel Lawrence. Elmer Stark and family of Bro-naugh visited last Sunday with his mother, Mrs Stark. Frank Starkey and family of Nevada visited Sunday with Mr.

and Airs. A J. Starkey. Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Thornton of Nevada came out to Horns Saturday returning Sunday. Wm Crites who went to Kansas City to the wheat harvest has returned. Mr.

and Mrs. Norfleet of Richards spent Saturday and Sunday with the A. M. Higgins and family. Sunday school has been organized at the church here with Mrs.

A. J. Starkey superintendent and Miss Eunice Hall secretary. Many farmers are anxiously waiting a thrashing machine but none has appeared in the neighborhood yet. WALKER ITEMS.

Correspondence to SOUTHWEST MAIL. Uncle John Simner is very ill at this writing. Wm. Belcher and wife of Alabama is here visiting Mrs. Belcher and Mrs.

C. B. Davis. Mrs. Lon Davis spent Sunday in Schell City.

Miss Cecil Hornbuckle is better at this writing. Qjite a number of people from Walker attended the Eldorado picnic Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Richard Mobley, wife and mother left Sunday afternoon for Arkansas Rev, Walters will fill his regular appointments next Sunday morning and evening. Miss Vera Devine is here visiting relatives and friends. Miss Beulah Smith of Davenport, Iowa, who has been visiting relatives at Walker and Harwood, will leave on the noon train for Kanie, to visit her aunt, Mrs.

Allie Preston. Farmers are busy thrashing and putting up hay. Miss Lilly Bridges is visiting a few days in Harwood with 8 8 8 8co at Dan Rirdins last week. Will Stuart is working for the water works company at Nevada. W.

A. Dixon is visiting his parents near Richards. Miss Virgie Kaufman was presented with a new piano last week. Arthur Walker and family were Nevada visitors Monday. Isbtll.

We Lave decided te meet a half hour before Sunday school to practice. Practicing at 10 oclock, Sunday school at 10:30. Everybody come and belp us. STOTESBURY NEWS. Correspondence to Southwest Mail: Raymond Johnson went to Hume Tuesday afternoon to visit friends.

David Yearout.of Pittsburg, Kas. is here looking after business inter Continued on page 5 Benson Rardin of Chicago visited his week. Maurice Baker visited his brother at Coffeyville, Sunday and Monday. Miss Glessner Brubaker attended the picnic at Eldorado Springs. Misses Fio and Goldie Martin visited friends in Nevada last week.

Charles Loud transacted business in Nevada Wednesday. MOUNDVILLE NEWS. Correspondence to.SouTHWEST Mail, i Miss Arminta Mathews arrived last Thursday to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

F. Mathews. Miss Elsie Robinson who has been visiting the Misses Colson and other friends left Friday for her western home. Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard of Girard, Kansas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hudson last week. Miss Frankie Colson spent the week end in Nevada. Dr.

Smith of Osceola, spent Sunday here. Wm. Butler went to Rich Hill Thursday. Mrs. J.

F. Mathews left Wednesday for Eldorado Springs for a few days vacation. Mrs, Briggs who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Robinson left toe first of the week for ber borne at Springfield, Mo. THE BIG NTY Mrs.

Alva Davis and children of Nevada, visited their sister Mrs. E. T. May this week. J.

Taylor and son Frank, are in Nodaway county visiting Mr. Taylor's sister Mrs. Ida Shelton. Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Mann are in Eldorado visiting Mr. Manns brother Alex Mann and family. Continued on page 7 BELLAMY BUDGET Corrtwpondencs to the Southwest Mail C.

A. Bird held his sale July 15, and he and his wife started the next day for Virginia to visit their children. He rented their place to T. C. Mahan, and probably will not return to Bellamy for some time.

Mr. Bird and wife have the good wishes of all their friends and neighbors. The young folks surprised Miss Agnes Baker Wednesday night July 15, with a social party. Agnes has gone home with her sister Grace Carpenter, who lives in Pocohontas, Iowa. She will probably stay a year or more.

Johnson Beals hand that he hurt sometime ago on a threshing machine, is getting along as well as could be expected. Summer school was out at Lamar last Friday and several of the young folks that attended school are back home again after a siege of eight weeks of hot summer weather. Several young folks were the guests of Miss Grace Beal Sunday. Andrew Mahan of Liberal was visiting here Sunday. Eugene Batts is now at his uncles in Oklahoma visiting.

He says if he can find work he mty stay all winter. Miss Douglass Wright has a school for next winter near Rich Hill. W. F. Beaman has just returned from Colorado where he took a claim of 160 acres and is contesting another quarter section.

He likes the country very much. Crops are looking fine since the rains. Wayne Harmon of Cedar county was visiting his brother Frank Harmon Tuesday. UNION SCHOOL HOUSE. CorrMpondenoa to southwest Mail.

Miss Sarah Clemensen spent Friday and Saturday with relatives near Temple. Miss Ethel Hanover visited with Mrs. Manford Ritts Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

J. T. Hatfield spent Sunday with their son T. W. Hatfield.

Mrs. Darwin Isbell returned home Sunday from her sisters, who is very ill. Miss Marie Little of Colorado is visiting her cousins Mr. and Mrs. AIR? i WILL BE HELD AT NEVADA MARVIN CHAPEL CHAT.

Correapondence to Southwest Mail. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Danley of Hu-manvilie, Frank McGoveney of Kansas City, Frank and Gertie McMil-lion of Humbolt, Kansas, and Glen Clemmons and family of Nevada were all visiting friends and attending church at Marvin last Sunday. Little Nona and Willma Moore of Milo are visiting their aunt Mrs.JW. A. McDaniels this week. Another corn growing rain fell on Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Mary Terrjberry made a visit to her farm last week. Mrs. Leula Belshaw and baby boy cf Kansas City are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.

Mike Haas. Miss Lula Hartman of Nevada is spending her vacation week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartman, Hamilton Howell and Hallie Haas announced their marriage last week which occurred Easter morning at Fort Scott.

Miss izibeth McGuinn entertained the XLL Club at her home in Nevada last Saturday. Early peaches are now ripe and are very fine. BRONAUGH BREVITIES. Corrwpondenc to BOUTHWEST MAIL Mrs. H.

Baker of Nevada visited Saturday with her son M. A. Baker and family. O. K.

McWilliams visited his parents in Liberal Monday. Miss Mayme Hawkins returned home last week from a visit at Tulsa, and Joplin, 6he was accompanied home by her cousin Miss Jessie Hawkins of Joplin. B. F. McReynolds and family attended the picnic at Eldorado Spring Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. C. Celand and daughter Miss Cora were Nevada visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.

Barnett of Iowa are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Buford MILO MENTION.

Correspondence to SOUTH EST MAIL. Rev. Bascome filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church services both morning and evening. Ladies Aid of the M. E.

Church met in regular session in the League room Wednesday. Mrs Minnie Morris, County President of the W. C. T. U.

of Nevada, met with the Union which has been recently reorganized in Milo, last Friday at the home of Mrs. Thos. Jones. Mrs. Mirris is certainly well posted and the meeting was very interesting.

The W. C. T. U. Convention will be held In Bronaugh July 30-31.

J. W. Damley from arrived the latter part of the week to visit with his brother, J. J. Dam-ley and family.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rayhill from Oregon, arrived last week to spend a short time visiting with their son, J.

J. Riyhilland wife, who reside on the Wescott farm. Mrs. Edna Wilson from Anita, Iowa, arrived last Wednesday for a several weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

T. J. Woods. Mrs. Elna White of Nevada, arrived Sunday for a short visit with her aunt, Mrs.

C. V. Cose and family. Vivian Nichols of Lamar, is visiting this week with her aunt, Mrs. M.

Isenhower. S. 0. McGovney shipped a car of cattle and hogs Monday. Hi t.

and Mrs. John Herron of Nevada, were guests over Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.

Hatfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

Blake from Pauls-Valley, arrived last Friday for a short visit with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Flatt.

Mrs. Blake went to Milford Satur- Sept. 1, 2, 3, 4. BOARD SCRIBBLING3. Correspondence to Southwest MAil.

A fine shower visited usJTuesday morning, the growing crops are doing fine. Threshing is progressing nicely and the grain is turning out well. Mr. and MrS. Jarmon were called to Odessa last week on account of her mothers sickness and death, they returned home Saturday.

Nile Hilborn returned from the Kansas wheat fields Saturday. Some of the folks from our neighborhood went to Eldorado Monday. Mr. Will Kuan of Salt Lake City, has been here visiting his sister Mrs. J.

H. Miller and other friends and relatives, departed for his home Tuesday morning. MONTEVALLO MENTION. CorrMpondenoa to SOUTHWEST MAIL. E.

B. and W. B. Anderson made a business trip to Nevada Saturday. Rev.

Collins of Sheldon filled bis first appointment here Sunday. Miss Anna Closner left Saturday for Nevada to accept a position at the State Hospital. Mrs. Evilsizer of Butler is here visiting her daughter Mrs. J.

E. Henderson. Wm. Owens tookseveral car loads of people to the picnio atlEldorado. Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Davis and Splendid premiums offered on Agricultural Products, Poultry and Live Stock of all kinds. Begin to Get Readyl Everything possible will be done to accomodate the people.

Remember the Date!.

The Southwest Mail from Nevada, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.