The Olympian from Olympia, Washington (2024)

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The Olympiani

Olympia, Washington

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r- -'rf 1 -VVvv: ''i''s4yv' wiiim v- '-v '7 --v 'v- vVv-x-v v' 0 v-'" MORNING Oli iWASH i oaS Li -PAGEFOUR iHunttug leaned Every Morning Except Monday Dy The -WtHfm publinhing Company Olympia Worthington SUBSCRIPTION KATE? Jn Advance Pafrly and Sunday one month Daily and Sunday one year The above delivered by carrier By Mail In Advance Dally and Sunday one month 40 Daily and Sunday mrnrha aino Daily and Sunday I months Dally and Sunday one 160 Kate applies to state of Washington Elsewhere 60c a month 9500 one year Copyright 1925 fNew York Evening World! Tress Publishing Company TIIB latest style symptoms from Paris make this the toughest season thQ blind men ever had color tones make quite a clamor But there is very little going on It looks like our stylish flappers are trying to make pneumonia a summer complaint 1 The girlies are trying to conceal nothing this season but their natural complexions East winds mean a thing to our flapperines They figure an ounce of lingeries Is worth a pound of steam We certainly have all the indications of a prosperous Nation Our grandmothers carried their savings in one cotton stocking Now our gals have two rolls in every silk pair Mrs: Osborne is visiting her daughter Mrs Albert Rutledge i Mr and Mrs Peter Jensen and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dooley and family of Olym-pla The last baseball game of the sea- son on the home grounds was played Sunday with Galvin the game being won by Littlerock Mr and Mrs Frank Rutledge Mrs Peter Jensen and Mrs Gifford Ballet! Business Has Increased 20 Times Over Iii 50 Years Association Meet To Be Held In Atlantic Citv The Morning Olympian Is a member of the Associated Press The Associated Pres la exclusively entitled to the use for repubiicatlon of all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise credited in thie paper and also ths local news published herein All rlghte of repubiicatlon of special dispatches herein are alvo reserved ALSO MEMBER OF PERKINS PRESS Local bankers nave received a com- munication from William Knox i motored to the picnic given for mem-president of the American Jbers of the Degree of Honor protec-Association calling their attention to tive Association at Lake Patterson Verre Crnkltn sole eastern advertising representatives J0 Madlnrn Ave New Torlc ZH East Jackson Boulevard Chicago 581 Market Street San TELEPHONE 18 Entered ft Ite poet-office of Olympia naixiingccn as second class matter They can ANOTHER WARRANTED MEMORIAL IN AMERICA WOULD BE ONE TO THE AGRICULTURIST While America is building monuments to its soldiers and sailors to its public men and athletic heroes it should not forget one of the greatest of them all the agriculturist Upon him is dependent not The beauty of this year's edition of ladies' hose is that they wear out only our perpetuation as a country before the styles can be switched Some of the most expensive chiffon slock- "rmo'r'nL ta This year's modish hosiery comes in all colors of the soap bubble Champagne Mauve Banana Meringue Shell pink Hard-boiled egg Every color that will show a grease spot is represented Tuesday The Misses Annie and Della Jacobsen and Barbara Stephens were guests of Miss Ora Smith Tuesday Prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Jesse Cleveland Wednesday Mrs Albert Rutledge and mother Mrs Osborne called on Mrs Peter Jensen and Mrs Vincent Thursday Shuman made a business trip to Olympia Thursday Mr and Mrs George Chattam motored to the Southwest Washington Fair Thursday Mr and Mrs Ray Meltan Mr and Mrs Shuman and Mrs Glenn motored to Olympia to a theatre Thursday Miss Jessie Schultz was in Olympia Friday Mr and Mrs Garland Johnson of Shelton spent Friday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Shuman and Mr and Mrs Peter Jensen The Little Rock Ladies Aid will meet September 3 at the home of Mrs Peter Jensen the unusual importance' of this annual convention of the organization Mr Knox says In part: a business celebrates Its growth from resources of 93000000000 to $80000000000 in fifty years it certainly is an event of great public significance in American history This convention of the American Association at Atlantic Citv will constitute just such an event The Association was organized in 1875 when there were about 3000 banks in the country with aggregate capital and surplus of $850000000 and deposits below $2000000000 Today there are about 30000 banks with capital funds of $7000000000 and deposits above $50000000000 More than 22-000 of these banks are members of the Association The convention will be made the occasion for leviewing the progress of banking and the services it has rendered the people of the Unitec States A practical token of this will be given the public in the form of a proposed educational foundation to maintain college scholarships in ecori omics and to promote economic research The convention will be held at At lantic City New Jersey September 28 to October 1 General sessions and divisional meetings wilf be held on the Steel Pier The Hotel Traymore wil be headquarters where delegates will register and receive credentials of stockings this year are nude flesh and are falling for banana stockings than this season is What Shall Milady Omit to designers started with nothing for an idea and The girls are stopping at nothing to put it paid from smoked glasses this year is seldom looked at But the lust word whatsoever Ypu have to have an BUC0DA year's dancing dresses is an outfit of peek-all Mystery of the Seven The mystery is the rest of the world is at play Mr Farmer toils inhe hot sun reaping harvests that others may live While we enjoy the coo! and quiet of a mountain trip or play at the beaches the rural resilient is bothered with problems of field hands machinery and waving grains While we battle mosquitoes ho wages a never-ending figlit against rodents While we enjoy vacations he remains at hard labor There are few businesses which lake so much of a man's time demanding his vigor and strength as that of raising the nation's edibles Farming tasks never are done Plantings are made in the spring are nurtured through arid summer and i jl(l0 cbiffon harvested in the fall Then in win-i ler comes the problem of 'vhere the other six disappeared to fields caring for stock and cutting i-Xenses Vcs it is a hard life albeit one which has compensations of duty well done hardy existence communion to see throlRh' with nature and mi opportunity to breathe pure air always While we are paying fair prices for our goods we should do It willingly with the knowledge that the farmer is offering more in value than practically any other retailer In fact food is reasonable all things consid-creK when compared to numerous other Items offered on the markcc Yes while America is erecting monuments it should huiid a shaft to its agriculturists for they deserve such attention as much if not more than all the rest The three most popular tints banana iron? innocent bystanders ever slipped oil peels The summer problem In clothes Wear? It looks like the style pulled up with the same thing across be no dividends The lust word in the dictionary in euties' styles is something else adding machine to figure that cut The smartest thing in this is called The waist of this snappy creation together by luck The plot of the When this mode was displayed ruc-e and started a riot Another Paris sensation clings mistaken for buttons Just the knows everybody else without The stockings that go with this four dozen pairs to the gram The The smartest thing in feminine M'fiEVNOLDS WILL BE BURIED AT 1 consists of two sleeve protectors held entire gown is simple It is very easy at Longochamps France it stopped the close to the form Your warts may be tiling for informal gatherings where everybody looking at her face outfit should be very light weight About skirt should hang from lack of evidence ELMER EVANCE William Basil Courtney Copyright 1923 Warner Bros I LIMITED MAIL with Monto Bine Is pleturlzatlon of this story hy Warner BrAsv Pictures Inc SYNOPSIS 1 leave dissolving into thin air as he Bob FovAer the freight engineer I stared at the tow-hcadcd rascally has halted his train on a siding to let I youngster and knew him for an an-the Limited pass Another passenger I chor an anchor that might be train also has halted A woman who I dragged in times of Storm but could has descended from the observation I not be broken away from because ear has turned her ankle and stands in I it Was attached by a chain of love 4t precarious position between Mr I In that moment Bob realized too tracks just as the Limited approaches I that he had been stubbornly blind-Bob goes to her 'aid whereat she I ing himself to another overlying throws her arms about him and em-1 fact an invisible larger more po-braces him When she has rejoined I tent anchor that this sleepy-voiced her friends in the car a moment later I mite somehow symbolized and she explains "That is my Bob my I brought into clear and unmistakfe- husbandl I able relief his love for Caroline CHAPTER Continued I He hadj tried to pretend 'through It was a day of the stuff that fair the night that he was not in love June days and young dreams with her that theirs was merely a1' ire made of a day of such days as mutual fiendly interest lie had! were appointed and ordained for fought cvjn harder when the mating youthful hearts when love first be- scents anH sounds of the June gan and the world too was young morning trew their subtle impres- But to Bob Wilson hotly restless Uions aro nd his senses He told on the bed that had known no sleep- himself tl it it was not mean or con- ful relaxation of his strong heavy temptible to run away from Caro-! masculine body throughout the I line becaise she had not admitted! short night the light of the new- love for 1 in that this was the time born day welling into his room could to go bef re the breaking of heart bring no glad awakening It brought or hers or would be not quietude but weariness not involved Now he knew himself for eager anticipation but dull and an emotio lal liar he IM love Caro- 1 apathetic echoes in his aching line V1 ether or not she loved I head of the old words that expressed yet- did not make any differ- the sum and substance of hobo cnee or sen his responsibilities 1 philosophy He mus go through with today's the the use of apy- outing erhaps he would never thing? What the hell difference hear from Jane again But even if does anything he 1 could no longer run What use what difference in- away like a whipped dog he must After all his sturdy retilling fight con and seek a way out: and resowing the chance for an After had dressed and break-abundant and joyous harvest now fasted hir sfclf and Bobby and was withered in his hands by discovery leading tl child by the hand down when he thought he was safe and the stree to the Bob forgotten Xall his cherished isola- found tha courage W'as seeping into tion and jealously guarded bars of and fortif ing the foundation of his secrecy brushed down until Crater determina ions The spell of the City and the present were one with morning -as working upon him the rest of the world and the past bringing recklessness pf consc- quence 'he day promised not so badly aft all Carotin was eagerly awaiting' I him at th Caroline cool id 1 willowy ii a slim dress that neither concealed nor emphasized the refined but fundamental womanliness of her gir ish body Bobby wds duly kissed bylCaroline ju giving them lacked Boo enviously trust myself with this man I Caroline counter-ling to appraise Bob with apprehensions while she the lunch to carry lantly assumed expression! I of blanr innocence and sexless I benevolo ce won the restored confidence Caroline The picnickers were reafly to start now upon Mrs assumption of the person and chae of Bobby and his arri-j ful of toys Bob why do you look at Caroline was eagerly awaiting lim I the lady like just like Daddy Bob rigid upon his back stared I Jhn doe miserably at the same patch of This itartling pronouncement of white ceiling on which the first childish! innocent curiosity fell like flushing of light had found his eyes a ''et nd awkward blanket upon blankly fixed' He looked forward two of the three upon Bob with dread to what Would now be I who stared uncomfortably at Bob-: an ordeal all day with Caroline in I by ancf upon Mrs Leary wr the woodland instead of a carefree I fidgeted i and looked calamitous picnic He wished that Morran had Caroline alone aside from a slight refused to grant him the day off I flush retained self-possession Then he suddenly grew conscious much too young to quail- that over and over he was telling fy a 'reliable observer of grown-j himself to arise and dress and steal up nonsense or a professor of psy- aw'ay from town with the beginning chology but you re a dear childl day and become a drifting nonentity she saidJightly kissing Bobby good-again on the trail of forgetfulness bye and shooing him into the yarc He could find and join Potts out and the safe check of Mrs there near Eagle Pass dear use- vicarious motherhood less companionable old Bob and Caroline wandered awaj Whose return at this time was per- nto the up and fie ds like two cM-haps opportune and providential in dren out of school Added to the that it enticingly represented to Bob I of vitally the easiest way for a trouble wearied the bewitchment of -m young and refreshing personality: the hell difference docs and umkr thc Bob anything What difference could his going poissibly make to anyone circlets of ripples' in the public in terest a s' the days went -then ifTtwisted himself out of brd ions i respoMivcneo Cajj slowly heavy-hearted He would unrestrained go even though the very xvalls I bjsb water mark aeauv seemed to be niocking him with an vivacity: he accusation of cowardice He would kful and sportive merr1y sky leave a note for Jim To Caroline the strmS he would explain that Mprran in the press of an emergency had cancelled his leave Now that his mind was made up he plodded steadily at the task of dressing up Daddy the lady will be He had almost forgotten Bobby who dishevelled from the sound and untroubled sleep of his babyhood stood in the doorway with his clothes in hisiand ready for Bob 2 dress him-Bob sat down on the bed with a short laugh all his resolutions to pf their joyousness to the utmost They strolled and rested they jok-! cd and laughed they talked in blue-streaked circles or kept full silences all as the spirit moved them Bob pitched stones at signboards and other casual targets wrestled the sullen ram of a sheep herd on a- jt rocky slope and even walked on his hands along the edge of a cmti delighting in the squeals His ofP elidte from Caroline (To bg continued) The Rebekah lodge has issued invitations for a dance In the lodge rooms Saturday Mr and Mrs Bielman and family returned from a visit at Skyco Lodge at Bering Tuesday Mr and Mrs Morgan and son I and Mr and Mrs Ole Hagoes who! went with them remained in Seattle until Thursday Miss Julia Foard of Portland is visiting Mrs Knight A number of members from the Olympia I lodge were guests of the local club an Tuesday Mrs Knight and children Mrs Emma Husby and the Misses Gabrielle and Tarry Von Plants returned Wednesday from a five stay at Seaside James Robertson and Knight have had cement walks built on their residence lots A Blakesley who has been pastor of the Methodist church has moved his family lo Anacortes A farewell party for Mias Lois Drake who leaves soon for Seattle was held Tuaday at the home of her brothei4 Raymond Drake The guests were: the Misses Irene and Evelyn Anderson tlie Misses Bernice and Orpha Robinson Reana Hurn La-verne Largen Raymond Krupp Earl Barney Merritt Robinson Quentin Schmitt and Reldy Hawkins Miss Hazel Nelson Is visiting in Chehalis Mr and Mrs Lee Morgan and children spent Wednesday evening at Mutual Heights Miss Irene Bunch returned home Tuesday from Pe Ell where she has negligees consists or two materials gauze and effect Tin gauze is transparent anti the effect is startling Two and two of these negligees make four but not so the eye could notice it When milady wears this in her boudoir earlaps should fit snugly over all keyholes Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1 from the Mills funeral parlors for Ray Me-Reynolds who passed away at Los Angeles last week Rev Franklin Hart will officiate at the chapel and Olympia Lodge No 1 and A Mi will hold their service at Masonic cemetery where the remains will be laid to rest Mrs McReynolds accompanied by her sisters Misses Lillian and Gertrude Matson arrived with the body Sunday night The det'-eased yfras born in Dallas Center Iowa Mayi21 1882 and came iwith his parents to this city 30 years ago He was married to Miss JSlla Matson in Olympia April 15 1905 and a year later moved 8o Seattle Thrfjeb years ago Mr and Mrs McReynolds loft Seattle to make their home in Los Angeles where the husband was engaged as court reporter He was a charter member of Olympia Lodge No 186 Elkws a member of Olympia Lodge No 1 A and a member of Capital Camp Knights of Pythias of this city SPECIALTY SHOP WILL The swankish bathing suit for 1825 is tighter I hail ever You don't have to be a swimmer to enjoy these Quilling duds Not so long as your asligma-tnm bother you The demand for these one-piece dingers is nine sizes larger than the suits The better grade of ladies bathing apparel this season is in case the owner gets caught in the rain AMERICA IS THRICE BLESSED BY ITS NATURAL AND MADE WEALTH RESOURCES few persons will attempt lo refute the fact that America is one iT the wealthiest countries of the j-vorld not all will admit that she is excessively so lluwever the National Industrial conference recently completed a survey ol resources and announces the following Startling figures rn the share of ihe world owned 1-y this country: 82 per cent of its population 57 per cent of its area 37! per cent of its installed water power: 57 5 per cent of its telephone and Udccrapli wire in use 33: of its railroad mileage 827 of its automobiles and motor trucks: 135 of jts cnal production of its petroleum production 527 of its copper smelter production: I of its lead smelter production 21X of its cereal production oher linn wheat: a7-YEAK-OLT GIRL CHOSEN AS MISS MILWAUKEE FOR ATLANTIC CITY CONTEST FI PLAY IS SOUGHT th Fair play for all automobile clulis was asked today by Lu Ite Moor of tlio Automobile Club of Washington in percent of its cotton production questing members not to volunteer to a xt if touring service and informa tion for friends who do not belong Jo any one of the other Yl5 clubs afffil- iated with the American Automobile Association Miss Moor pointed out that the i of its lumber production of its pig iron production per cent of its steel ingot and production of its rubber consumption above quotations are almost 28 8'2 5fS casting Government employes in Washington nowr a total of 63756 which is the smallest number since the way according to Civil Service Commission This is 2182 less employees than at the first of the year Interior decorations designed and built by the owner-manager Cruse will feature a new specialty shop for ladies which opens Tuesday morning at a location next to the Capitol theatre Mr Cruse will specialize in lie announces including lines of ladies neckwear hosiery and accessories Mr Cruse formerly or Los Angeles lias instituted his own ideas in his shop's interior scheme particularly in regard to large display cases and tables in the store is Mr Cruse said deal directly Ijetween the manufacturer and i unbelievable bur can not Le refuted in automobile clubs are imposed uki ike fai of actual conditions The jv po-sons who figure that they turn mo noticeable comparison included obtain service gratis through keeping! studi a small percentage in jn touch with acquaintances who are population should he favored withjf!) members -i larce percentages iu practically -xo other organizations are so cvi-ry important item of commercial victimized by the cr necessity she contends i The is kt a cursory one and non-member usually makes his couoc -j faj to see where there is any difference between this sort of titling List of Advertised Letters For The! 11:11 mggiing the non-member oil Week Ending August 27 1S25 iho PavinS tlie proper greens fee charges club member who allows hint- self to be trapped by a ncn-utcnber Anderson Usmpbcil Mr A UhambiMlin Miss Uylvn: Chirk Mrs Jarley Day Jl I Heron Mrs Max Fleeror Ja'k: Fra in pus Mrs Gibbs Mrs 1' Gingrich Ethel I Most people over the state and many in Olympia believe that the governmental payroll (Including state national county and city employees) is more than all other classes here This is not the fact according to The Olympia Chamber of Commerce Last year the industrial and commercial payrolls of Olympia was $423789200 while the government or public payroll was $122365000 Olympia can grow in industrial payroll jnst as the citizens of Olympia wish it to Many good and paying industries can and have been organized by Olympia Citizens in Olympia This bank is willing to assist in starting good legitimate industries i August 28 and 29 when the red ljnf3V dropped to 38 degrees The nln mark for the week was made Sunday when the temperature was 81 degrees Rainfall amounting to 42 inches on August 26 and 01 Inches on August 29 were recorded Following are the maximum and minimum temDeratures: Day Max Min August 24 Mb 68 August 2a 1 9 August 26 75 46 August 68 41 August 28 69 38 August 29 74 38 August 29 74 p8 August 3 0 8 1 47 in this fashion extends a favor wbich is usually unwarranted Members -are assessed equally for all club expenses land it is an expense to give to a mftm-Gregor- jlo Mrs A OO John-j1f? mapH and time when he is siiiiply sort Mr Arid: Johnson Hert: Jynn gofn to turn it over to someone who Mrs Ict Mr -ilis Mc-js short so sighted as to fail to appre-Guire Mr Lyle tl McIntosh Hugh i relate the value of joining a mefcor Miller Mrs Olaffson Mrs Itjyij Tbnra Fark Charles A Reiman' i Alice Robbins Scholls Mrs i Wri StPffcnid Mr Thornley ROAD IN DISPUTE Mrs (2 Tulk Mr Norman Wal- kcr Mrs Johney Whatcom Oakland bLATTIL Aug TAP -i Gbn- I White Mr IV Williams Mr FTesnlan Arthur Free of California Co White Mr A wiuains -'r KepubljCan member of the hoitse llarry on mercant marine und Postals fisheries advocates abandonment i of Arvey Jessie Raker Claude jthp government railroad Birmingham "William Dav: ifn Alaska he declared in a visit hdre Miss Virginia Armstrong wan picked from a field of twenty girls to represent Milwaukee in the beauty contest to be held at Atlantic City Cities in all parts of the country will be represented and the winner will become Mias America 1925 BOOZE HAUL MADE Celebrating the removal of his sales room to new quarters in the Otis building on Capitol Way near the post office Lloyd Van Eaton of the-Van Eaton Motom Company has announced a- special celebration with the Essex for Tuesday called For A' day Preparations are being made to handle several hundred passengers in cars sujpplied by the company 'for the occasion The move to the new location represents the third show room which the company has had since organization as the Peters-Van Eaton company eighteen months ago The first location was at the corner of Franklin and Third which was followed by moving to the Liberty" building when It: was occupied last fall Mr Van Eaton Is Very optimistic oyer the business outlook for the' fall aiid sales of lfud son Essex and 'Packard automobiles which he represents been visiting Gilbert and son Jack made a business trip to Aberdeen Wednesday Frank Nephom of Cornelius Oregon Is working for Tabor HOQLTAM Wash Aug (AP) Bootlegging apparatus and 'enormous quantities of sugar and cprn and two bootleggers were netted here-last night by prohibition forces in the tnird liquor raid of the week-end In the Grays Harbor country yesterday WEATHER LAST WEEK Cooler nights 'slight precipitations on August 26 and 29 were reported Monday by Norrie civilian weather here In his resume of' temperatures for last week Two low marks were recorded on The Plyjoipia National Bank Fournier R-: Griffin Mrs Heinz Vinnie Lewis Mrs Violet McDaniel Mrs Lumber Co Rice Ruth Sawyer Lloyd Shields Mr Frank Weber L-unber Co White Miss Grace FRANK -S CLEM Postmaster HOP PICKING STARTS SALEM Ore Aug With 5000 pickers at work and stdil more needed hop picking will start today in the larger yards In Marl6n and Polk comities i tC nations went to no faster than they pay their war debts there would be a -fine prospect for unbroken Chicago Daily News The rights of the public may be paramount but tbey are harder to Dubuque' Journal tS-KS -h-TV-A-' 'if -I 1.

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The Olympian from Olympia, Washington (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.